| Sector | abcBanking and Mutual Funds and Leasings | Tender Value | N.A. | Location | Maharashtra - India | Ref.No | 72607463 | Closing Date | 28 - Jun - 2024 | | | Sale of Small Water Tank, Volte Stabilizer, Veijayshree Equipment, Fan, Small Table, Weighing Machine, Empty Yarn Rings, Empty Metal Barrel, Material Testing Table, Weighing Machine Small, Compressor, Table, Metal Safe, TV Motomax, Coffee Machine, Water Motor, Ceiling Fan, Testing Machine, TV Videocon, Greasing Machine, Blue Air Bat, Big Air Fan, Air Dryer, Air Receiver, Air Compressor, Scrap Parts of Machine, Sut Conda, Motor Water, Scrap Walving Funny, Wooden Trunk, Scrap Wooden Door. |
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